Everyone should create. Ok, that might come off demand-y, but I'll stand by it. Too often, we consume rather than create.
Here's the thing. The difference between consuming and creating is smaller than we might imagine. With the advent of the internet, the barriers to entry for creating have been lowered tremendously.
For example:
Reading is consuming.
Blogging is creating.
Watching movies is consuming.
Making movies is creating.
Buying a meal is consuming.
Cooking a meal is creating.
If all we do is consume, we limit ourselves. Even if you're not starting a business, creating is valuable for three reasons.
1. We add value to others and create new relationships
2. It refines our skills and processes
3. Eventually we can profit from the value we create
Add some "creating" time to your schedule in 2019. Creating takes more time and you'll likely find that you need to consume heavily just to create good content, but it'll open up opportunities and you'll learn a lot in the process.
Here's to 2019, the year of creating...